water & wellness

the power of


Ever wondered why a sliced apple turns brown when left in the open air?

This browning is due to oxidation, a natural process that also occurs inside our bodies (as well as our pets).

When oxygen interacts with the cells, it can cause them to lose their function over time, leading to aging and disease.

This is where antioxidants step in as the heroes, slowing down the oxidation process and protecting the cells, much like adding lemon juice to the apple slices prevents browning.

In our pets' bodies, just like in the apple, oxidation can lead to health issues over time.

Free radicals, the culprits behind oxidative stress, can damage cells, proteins, and DNA.

This damage can contribute to aging and various diseases, affecting our pets’ quality of life. That’s why antioxidants are so important - they neutralize these free radicals -helping to maintain health and vitality.

Tap water, while hydrating, often falls short in antioxidant content, necessary for countering oxidative stress in your pet's body.

Unlike tap water, our hydrogen-enriched water is specially designed to fill this gap, providing the antioxidant defense your pet needs to combat cellular damage and promote overall health.

Every visit to Wags 2 Whiskers is a chance to enhance your pet's health. Our hydrogen-enriched water acts as a protective shield, fortifying your pet's cells against aging and disease.

This special hydration ensures they get a powerful antioxidant boost with each visit, supporting their vitality and longevity.

Let your pet enjoy the benefits of our hydrogen-enriched water, and witness the difference in their health and energy levels.